Guest Opinion: Putting the Residents First

So, we call a communitywide meeting [in Cavalier Manor], the first in over 10 months…. not for COVID preparations… not for food distribution… not for severe weather impact instructions… not to ensure a continued high quality education for our youth…not to address the crime issues.. not to check on resident welfare… not for vaccine instructions… not to announce Sustainable Wage Jobs… not to deliver PPE and hand sanitizer… not to get mentors for our students… not to check on our seniors… not participate in the early phase if the planning process… not to talk about Development Induced Displacement… not to comfort the community in a time of crisis… not to mitigate health disparities… not to ensure households who don’t have internet in these times have access… not to mitigate pollution caused by excess truck traffic…not to give people rides to the polls to vote… not to talk about moving renters to homeowners to create black wealth….We call our FIRST meeting in ten months to talk about a developer who wants to take our land from the community and build tiny low income wealth building capacity… workforce housing… providing NO direct benefit to the community….take our land we could use for a park, amphitheater, compost area, walking trails, a mini client, farmers market., pop up venues. something that provides social welfare with a direct and measurable benefit…the community must be self determined such that its needs and wants are not dictated…it’s called Participatory Planning… that’s how it works in a democracy… with all these issues facing the community.. our FIRST meeting in ten months and we host a gentrifying developer instead of addressing real issues Shame, shame, shame!
We must not be afraid to speak truth to power.
Garry Harris, Community Activist

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